Hydra -> Theseus ran

7.00 USD


● $200,000 in-game
● 20,000 Essence
● Access to /kit theseus
● Access to /fix and /fix all
● Access to /feed
● Access to /fly
● Access to /sell inventory
● Access to /pv 2

Hydra daily kit

Protection IV Unbreaking III Diamond Helmet,
Protection IV Unbreaking III Diamond Chestplate,
Protection IV Unbreaking III I Diamond Leggings,
Protection IV Unbreaking III Diamond Boots,

Sharpness IV Unbreaking III Diamond Sword,
Power IV Unbreaking III Bow,

Efficiency IV Unbreaking III Diamond Pickaxe,
Efficiency IV Unbreaking III Diamond Axe,
Efficiency IV Unbreaking III Diamond Shovel,

64 Steak, and 48 Golden Apples